Installation of 30 MW Commercial Co-generation Plant
In the recent years, with the increasing power Demand-Supply gap, the generation of power from the excess bagasse, has been found to be attractive. This also offers an excellent opportunity for the sugar mills to generate additional revenue. Co-generation option has been adopted in many of the sugar mills, with substantial additional revenue for the mills. This also contributes to serve the national cause in a small way, by bridging the Demand - Supply gap.
This case study describes the installation of a commercial co-generation plant in a 5000 TCD mill.
Boilers - 2 numbers of 18 TPH, 12 ATA
2 numbers of 29 TPH, 15 ATA
1 number of 50 TPH, 15 ATA
Turbines - 1 number 2.5 MW
1 number 2.0 MW
1 number 1.5 MW
Mill drives - 6 numbers 750 BHP steam turbines
1 number 900 BHP shredder turbine
Energy saving project
The plant went in for a commercial co-generation plant. The old boilers and turbine were replaced with high pressure boilers and a single high capacity turbine. The new turbine installed was an extraction-cum condensing turbine.
Boilers - 2 numbers of 70 TPH, 67 ATA
Multi-fuel fired boilers
Turbines - 1 number of 30 MW turbo-alternator set
(Extraction-cum-condensing type)
Mill drives - 4 numbers of 900
2 numbers of 750
2 numbers of 1100 kW AC motors for fibrizer
Implementation methodology, problems faced and time frame
The shortfall of bagasse during the off-season was a problem initially. The purchase of biomass fuels from the nearby areas and the use of lignite solved this problem. The entire project was completed and commissioned in 30 months time.
The following operating parameters were achieved:
Typical (average) crushing rate = 5003 TCD
Typical power generation
During season = 5,18,321 units/day
During off-season = 2,49,929 units/day
Typical power exported to grid
(13.29 MW/day)
During off-season = 1,97,625 units/day
(8.23 MW/day)
Typical no. of days of operation = 219 days (season)
= 52 (off-season)
The annual monetary benefits achieved are Rs.204.13 million (based on cost of power sold to the grid @ Rs.2.548/unit, sugar season of 219 days and off-season of 52 days). This required an investment of Rs.820.6 million. The investment had an attractive simple payback period of 48 months.
1% drop in bagasse % in cane : 18300 units
1% increase in moisture content of bagasse : 6800 - 10200 units
1% increase in process steam consumption : 4200 units
1% drop in crushing rate : 5000 - 7400 units
1 hour downtime : 20600 units
Drop in 1 ton of cane availability : 60 units
The above figures are based on the following operational parameters:
Crushing rate : 5000 TCD
Steam . bagasse ratio : 1 : 2.2
NCV of bagasse (50% moisture) : 1804 kCal/kg
Bagasse content, in % cane : 27%
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