Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Energy Solutions Center–Technologies

Absorption Chillers

  • Large Tonnage Space Cooling
  • Industrial Process Cooling
  • Cogen Waste Heat utilization
  • Waste-to-Energy utilization


With the exception of very high cost electric areas, absorption chillers cost more to operate than electric chillers. They also cost about twice as much to purchase. Therefore, a reason other than average electric cost is needed to justify a base-loaded absorption system. Economics are more favorable for hybrid systems. Hybrid systems combine absorption chillers for use during on-peak electric hours and electric chillers for base load operation.

Steam-fired absorption is a good application where there is a low cost of steam such as a cogen or waste energy plant. Direct-fired natural gas units are used in hybrid and high-cost electricity areas. Absorption chillers do NOT use a CFC or HCFC refrigerant; therefore, some users purchase absorption chillers for this environmental advantage. Larger tonnages (above 500 tons) have a more favorable first cost when compared to electric technologies. Therefore, larger tonnage units are more common for absorption applications. They may also be used in places like campuses with a central steam loop and not enough electrical power distribution to run decentralize electric chillers. This may be the case where buildings either did not have chillers or used older single-effect absorption units and have upgraded to double-effect or direct fired absorption technology.

For more details....

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